FISIP Society (Solutif-Objektif-Cerdas-Inklusif-Entrepreneurship-Tangguh-Yakin)

The vision of Riau University is "To become a distinguished research university in the field of science and technology in Southeast Asia by the year 2035."

The vision of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is "To become a distinguished research faculty in the field of social and political sciences in Southeast Asia by the year 2035."

  1. To implement the tri dharma of higher education with excellence;
  2. To carry out the governance of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences with integrity;
  3. To develop the potential excellence of students;
  4. To develop a reliable information system and apply innovations for the benefit of society.


  1. To realize excellent education, research, and community service in the fields of social and political sciences in Southeast Asia.
  2. To establish dignified governance of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
  3. To produce students and graduates with good character and competence in social and political development.
  4. To implement a planning and cooperation system based on information technology.