Based on the Decree of the Riau University Foundation Number 02/KPTS/JUR/62, Riau University was established on September 25, 1962, accompanied by the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 123 dated September 20, 1963. Riau University was officially founded on October 1, 1962, making it 58 years old in 2020. Initially, Riau University consisted of the Faculty of State Administration and Commerce (FKK) and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). In 1963, two additional faculties were opened: the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In 1964, another faculty, the Faculty of Fisheries, was established, bringing the total number of faculties at Riau University to five. Later that same year, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education separated and became IKIP Jakarta Branch Pekanbaru. However, in 1968, it rejoined Riau University, forming two faculties: the Faculty of Teacher Training and the Faculty of Education. In 1979, the establishment of another exact sciences faculty, the Faculty of Non-Degree Technology, was initiated. By 1982, Riau University had seven faculties.
Riau University has several campuses to support academic and non-academic activities. The main campus, called Bina Widya Campus, covers an area of 345.617 hectares and has been in operation since 1983. It is located approximately 12.5 km from the center of Pekanbaru. This campus includes the rectorate and faculties (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Faculty of Fisheries, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Nursing, and Postgraduate), a library, institutions, an Information and Communication Technology Technical Implementation Unit, an educational hospital, a mosque, and more. The second campus, known as Purnama Campus, is located in Dumai City, covering an area of 32.045 hectares to support academic activities for the Marine Sciences Study Program. Meanwhile, Pattimura Campus on Jalan Pattimura Gobah Pekanbaru covers 5.795 hectares, and Jalan Thamrin covers 4 hectares. Pattimura Campus is used by the Faculty of Law (FH), Postgraduate Program, D3 Economics Program, Career and Entrepreneurship Development Center (P2K2), and others. The Faculty of Medicine has a campus on Jalan Diponegoro, adjacent to Arifin Ahmad Provincial General Hospital. Additionally, there is a former Physical Education Teacher School (SGO) campus for programs related to sports sciences.
The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) was established alongside Riau University in Pekanbaru. The establishment of Riau University was based on the Decree of the Riau University Foundation No. 02/KPTS/JUR/62, dated September 25, 1962, which was reinforced by the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 123 on September 20, 1963, effective since October 1, 1963.
As the oldest faculty at Riau University, it was originally named the Faculty of State Administration and Commerce (FKK). It later changed its name to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, abbreviated as Fak.SOSPOL, which consists of two departments: the Department of State Administration and the Department of Business Administration.
The development of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fak.SOSPOL) subsequently transformed into the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) with the following departments/study programs:
- 1. Department of Government Science (Accreditation A)
- 2. Department of Sociology (Accreditation A)
- 3. Department of International Relations (Accreditation A)
- 4. Department of Communication Science (Accreditation A)
- 5. Department of Administration with three study programs:
- -Public Administration Study Program (Accreditation A)
- -Business Administration Study Program (Accreditation A)
- -Tourism Business Study Program (Accreditation A)
FISIP Riau University is strategically designed and prepared to optimally contribute to realizing the vision of a Research University as stated in the vision of Riau University. FISIP has also successfully transformed the Law Study Program from the Department of Government Science into the Faculty of Law. Since 2001, FISIP has offered a Postgraduate Program. The Master's degree (S2) programs in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences include four (4) study programs:
- 1. Public Administration Study Program with concentrations in Human Resource Development, Business Administration, Public Administration, and Regional Finance (Accreditation A)
- 2. Political Science Study Program with concentrations in Local Government Management and International Relations (Accreditation B)
- 3. Sociology Study Program with concentrations in Urban Studies and Social Development Planning (Accreditation B)
- 4. Communication Science Study Program with concentrations in Public Relations, Communication and Media, Political Communication, and Government Communication (Accreditation B)
5. In 2021, the Doctoral Program in Public Administration was also established at FISIP Riau University.
The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Riau University has undergone many changes, both in structure and leadership. At its inception, the faculty was led by Drs. Sutan Balia (1962-1968). The subsequent deans have been:
- 1. Mirian Sofyan Arief (1969-1972)
- 2. Alimandan (1972-1975)
- 3. Muhammad Saad (1975-1977)
- 4. Alfian S, MS (1977-1980)
- 5. Soehartoko, NA (1981-1984)
- 6. Y. Mulyanto (1985-1988)
- 7. Syed Abd. Ghazali (1988-1992)
- 8. Raja Syofyan Samad, MA (1992-2000)
- 9. Alfian S, MS (2001-2003)
- 10. Ashaluddin Jalil, MS (2003-2006)
- 11. Ali Yusri, MS (2006-2014)
- 12. Syafri Harto, M.Si (2014-2022)
- 13. Meyzi Heriyanto, Dr (2022-2026)