FISIP Society (Solutif-Objektif-Cerdas-Inklusif-Entrepreneurship-Tangguh-Yakin)

Service Requirements

  1. Public
  2. A photocopy of the applicant's ID card or other identification or a photocopy of the establishment deed for public institutions.

System Mechanism and Procedure

  1. The applicant visits the information service desk, PPID UNRI (UNRI Rectorate Building, Floor 1) or visits the public information website.
  2. The applicant fills out the public information request form either in person or online, attaching their ID card or other identification.
  3. The service officer records the application in the registration book and informs the applicant of the registration number.
  4. If the application is approved, it proceeds to the next step. If not approved, PPID provides a written explanation and information on how to file an objection.
  5. If the application is approved, PPID submits the information request to the relevant unit. The unit then provides the data to PPID.
  6. PPID provides a written response to the information requester.
  7. If the requester is satisfied with the response from PPID, the process is complete.
  8. If the requester is not satisfied, they can file an objection with the superior of PPID. If still unsatisfied with the response from the PPID superior, the process continues with the information commission.

Completion Period

The completion period is carried out no later than 10 (ten) working days from the receipt of the request, the Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) will submit a notification containing the requested information is under its control or not, the PPID can extend the time no later than 7 (seven) working days.

Costs and Rates

The service administration fee is free, except for the replacement cost of duplication if the information is provided in a printed version (if a printed version is required).