Pekanbaru, 10 Agustus 2024 – Riau University continues to carry out transformations to improve the quality of governance and efficiency in carrying out its duties as a higher education institution. One of the strategic steps taken is to re-draft the draft statute in 2024, which is expected to optimize the performance of all university components. This statute drafting workshop was held at the Novotel Hotel Pekanbaru and was attended by various faculty and work unit leaders within Unri.

In his remarks, Unri's Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Agus Sutikno, said that the preparation of this new statute aims to streamline the organizational structure in order to increase work effectiveness. One of the significant changes is the reduction in the number of Heads of Sections (Kabag) from 18 to 12. Apart from that, there is also development in the Faculty of Nursing by increasing the number of Deputy Deans to three people.

"This change is expected to strengthen coordination and synergy between units, as well as ensure that every part of the organization functions optimally in supporting the achievement of Unri's vision and mission," said Dr. Agus Sutikno.

Not only streamlining the organizational structure, Unri also changed the nomenclature from Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) to Academic Support Unit (UPA). This change is designed to better reflect the strategic role of these units in supporting academic activities within the university environment.

This step received support from various parties, including resource persons from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology who were also present at the workshop. The resource person provided input and direction regarding the preparation of the statute, and emphasized the importance of Unri always following applicable national regulations and standards.

Dekan of FISIP, Riau University, Dr. Meyzi Heriyanto, S.Sos., M.Si, who was present with the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Auradian Marta, S.IP., MA., and Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Dr. Mayarni, S.Sos., M.Si, stated that their presence in this workshop was part of the faculty's efforts to align the vision and mission with the university. "We are ready to implement the programs and policies that have been established by the university to jointly make Unri a superior university," said Dr. Meyzi Heriyanto.

The preparation of this new statute is also in line with Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, which is a guideline for Unri in developing a structure and governance that is more modern and responsive to current developments. With more efficient and relevant statutes, it is hoped that Unri can continue to improve the quality of its services and contributions to society.
