Pekanbaru, November 19, 2024 – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Riau held a Management Review Meeting at the Royal Asnof Hotel in Pekanbaru. This event serves as an important milestone in improving the quality of education and management within FISIP, involving various faculty leaders and the quality assurance unit.
In his opening remarks, the Dean of FISIP Universitas Riau, Dr. Meyzi Heriyanto, S.Sos., M.Si., emphasized the importance of continuous evaluation to maintain educational and managerial standards. “This management review meeting is not merely a routine agenda; it is a strategic step to ensure that all aspects of faculty management align with established quality standards. With collective commitment, I am confident that FISIP Universitas Riau can continue to adapt and innovate in facing global challenges,” said Dr. Meyzi.

Dr. Meyzi also highlighted that a competitive educational standard can only be achieved through active collaboration among all faculty elements. “Evaluations like these provide a crucial forum to gather feedback from various parties, identify areas for improvement, and set priorities for future action,” he added.
The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Auradian Marta, S.IP., M.A., underscored that the primary objective of this activity is to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the faculty’s achievements in various aspects. "This step is essential to ensure the sustainability of quality education services and strengthen FISIP’s position as one of the leading faculties," stated Dr. Auradian.

The meeting was led by the Head of the Faculty Quality Assurance Unit (SPMF), Dr. Hasanuddin, M.Si., with support from moderator Dr. Evawani Elysa Lubis, M.Si. Meeting participants, including the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Mayarni, S.Sos., M.Si., Administrative Coordinator, Head of SPMF, Department Heads, Study Program Coordinators, Branch Library Head, Laboratory Heads, Sub-coordinators within FISIP, and Department/Program Quality Assurance Clusters (GPM), actively contributed to the discussions and evaluations.

The Management Review Meeting is expected to produce strategic recommendations to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of faculty management. With consistent implementation of these recommendations and periodic monitoring, FISIP Universitas Riau is optimistic about maintaining its competitiveness and making a significant contribution to scientific and societal development.
