Siak, September 24, 2024 – Lecturers of the Business Administration Study Program at FISIP Universitas Riau conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as part of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, particularly in the fields of research and community service, on Monday and Tuesday, September 23-24, 2024, in Dayun District, Siak Sri Indrapura Regency. This activity was divided into three Lecturer Functional Position Groups (KJFD): KJFD Administration and Business Policy, KJFD Administration and Human Resources (focused on Kampung Merangkai), and KJFD Administration and Business Finance (focused on Kampung Dayun).

The Coordinator of the Business Administration Study Program at FISIP Universitas Riau, Dr. Lie Othman S.Pi, MM, CDMP, CROP, expressed his gratitude to the Dayun District officials and invited guests who attended the FGD. Dr. Lie Othman further stated that the main goal of this activity was to analyze the problems faced by the local community, especially concerning the economic welfare of oil palm farmers. He added, "The Business Administration Study Program aims to establish partnerships with the community and local government to seek sustainable solutions," he said.

The head of Kampung Dayun, Sabar, S.Pi, welcomed the partnership, research, and community service activities, especially for oil palm farmers, as they can provide significant benefits that contribute to improving their welfare and business sustainability. "Through collaboration between academics, the government, and the community, various initiatives have been implemented to help farmers overcome the challenges they face," said Sabar, S.Pi.

On a separate occasion, the Dean of FISIP Universitas Riau, Dr. Meyzi Heriyanto, S.Sos, M.Si, expressed his appreciation and full support for the research and community service activities carried out by the lecturers of the Business Administration Study Program at FISIP Universitas Riau. Dr. Meyzi further stated that this activity is part of our commitment to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which not only focuses on education and research but also on community service. "Through collaboration with the local community, we aim to understand and address the various challenges faced by the residents of both villages," said Dr. Meyzi.

Over the two days, the activities included field surveys, group discussions, and in-depth interviews with farmers, Bumdes (village-owned enterprises) administrators, and community leaders. The event was also attended by invitees from the Department of Agriculture, District Leaders, agricultural extension workers, and Village Heads.

This research and community service are part of the commitment of the Business Administration Study Program at FISIP Universitas Riau to contribute to regional development and create a positive impact on society. -Deni_RR-