Pekanbaru, September 30, 2024 - In an effort to enhance public information services within the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Riau, the faculty held an audience with the Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) and Public Relations of Universitas Riau. This activity aimed to discuss the main duties and functions (tupoksi) of PPID and Public Relations in strengthening public information services.
The audience, held on Monday, September 30, 2024, took place in the DPH Room of the Education Building of the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Riau. The event started at 10:00 AM WIB and was attended by Clara Yolandika, S.P., M.Si, an expert staff member of the Vice-Rector IV for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, and Masrizal, S.Ikom as representatives of the PPID of Universitas Riau, as well as Dr. Fajriani Ananda, S.Sos., M.Si, Head of FISIP PPID at Universitas Riau.
The audience was initiated by the Head of the PPID at the Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Riau, Prof. Dr. Ir. Azriyenni, S.T., M.Eng. In her remarks, Prof. Azriyenni expressed her commitment to supporting public information transparency. "We remain committed to providing open and quality information services so that the public can more easily access all forms of information related to the Faculty of Engineering," said Prof. Azriyenni.
Also present at this audience were Prof. Ir. Zuchra Helwani, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., as Deputy Head of the PPID of the Faculty of Engineering, Professors as the Advisory Board, Heads of Departments and Study Programs within the Faculty of Engineering, the Administrative Coordinator, and Sub-coordinators within the Faculty of Engineering.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Azridzal Aziz, S.T., M.T., in a different session, emphasized the importance of synergy among various parties in managing public information in the current digital era. The Faculty of Engineering strives to provide more transparent, quick, and targeted information services.
The Vice-Rector IV for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, Dr. Ir. Sofyan Husein Siregar, M.Phil., as the Head of PPID of Universitas Riau, welcomed the initiative of the PPID of the Faculty of Engineering in conducting an audience with the PPID of Universitas Riau to synchronize various public information services.
The Dean of FISIP, Dr. Meyzi Heriyanto, S.Sos., M.Si, as the Advisor of FISIP PPID, added the importance of PPID and Public Relations as the front line in conveying information to the public. "The role of PPID and Public Relations is very vital, not only in serving information needs but also in building the image of the University as accountable and trustworthy," emphasized Dr. Meyzi.
Discussions on innovative information services were also an important agenda in this audience. It is hoped that public information services at Universitas Riau, especially in the Faculty of Engineering, will become more optimal and meet the public's need for accurate and accessible information. -RIRY-